Croatian Translation | Official Translation | Notarized Sworn Translation

Croatian Translation: Building Bridges Across Cultures with the Language of the Adriatic

DILLI Translation Office provides accurate, fast, and reliable Croatian translation solutions with our team of expert Croatian translators. Offering services in 56 languages, our professional translation agency excels in Croatian, leveraging industry expertise and deep linguistic knowledge. Growing commercial and cultural ties between Croatia and Turkey have increased the demand for Croatian translation services. DILLI Translation Office offers top-quality service with our expertise in Croatian grammar and its rich cultural context.

Origins and Historical Development of Croatian:

Croatian belongs to the South Slavic language family, with roots in the Proto-Slavic language. Written in the Latin alphabet, Croatian is closely related to Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin. Referred to as Hrvatski, Croatian developed three main dialects in the Middle Ages: Chakavian, Kajkavian, and Shtokavian. Standard Croatian is based on the Shtokavian dialect.

Current Use of Croatian:

Croatian is the official language of Croatia and is spoken by approximately 5 million people. Significant Croatian-speaking communities also exist in neighboring countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro. Croatia’s membership in the European Union has increased the international significance of the Croatian language.

Why Choose DILLI Translation Office?

  • Expert Croatian Translators: We work with experienced and specialized native Croatian speakers or those with near-native fluency. Our translators are proficient in Croatian grammar, various dialects, and cultural nuances.
  • Industry Specialization: Our translators specialize in diverse sectors, including law, medicine, engineering, tourism, and literature. They possess industry-specific knowledge and command of relevant terminology.
  • Quality Control Process: All translations are meticulously reviewed by experienced editors for grammar, terminology, and style.
  • Fast and Timely Delivery: We ensure timely and complete project delivery, offering rapid solutions for urgent translation needs.
  • Confidentiality and Security: We prioritize the confidentiality of your documents and information.
  • Competitive Prices: We offer high-quality services at competitive rates.

Croatian Translation Services:

  • Legal Translation: Contracts, legal documents, court decisions
  • Medical Translation: Medical reports, pharmaceutical brochures, medical articles
  • Technical Translation: User manuals, technical specifications, patent documents
  • Commercial Translation: Business correspondence, contracts, reports, presentations, tender documents
  • Literary Translation: Novels, stories, poems, plays
  • Academic Translation: Academic articles, dissertations, research reports
  • Website and Software Localization: Adaptation of your websites and software into Croatian
  • Interpretation: Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation services

Croatian Translation Rates:

Croatian translation rates vary based on text length, complexity, and turnaround time. Please contact us for a personalized quote.

Contact Us Now!

Contact us for your Croatian translation needs and a quote at

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